La Sostenibilidad-Interna, Innovación y alineamiento son fundamentales para hacer que
las empresas y profesionales prosperen.
Coaching para pequeñas y medianas
empresas, directores y empresarios
dedicados a crear un planeta mas
sostenible y una manera de vivir
y trabajar mas consciente.
El Flow de vida, es un orden cósmico del cual nos regimos y el cual nos guía sin darnos cuenta.
Pero cuando aprendemos a sentirlo y a seguirlo, nuestra vida se transforma a través de milagros, permitiéndonos vivir una vida llena de
amor, paz y de plenitud!
tu verdadera guía hacia tu ser autentico,
que esta ya conectado a este flow de vida
para que puedas vivir una vida de
éxito, salud y prosperidad.
Sentirse empoderado y lleno de confianza para crear una vida inspiradora.
Decirle adiós a la constante ansiedad y darle la bienvenida a una vida saludable y de paz.
Liberar emociones estancadas que puedan crear enfermedades y sentirse ligero.
Sanar tu niño interior y estar en paz con tu pasado.
Reconectarte con tu intuición, y dejarte guiar por ella para tomar decisiones mas alineadas con tu alma.
Liberarte de todos los obstáculos y miedos que estén impidiéndote vivir con una libertad ilimitada.
Expandirte como persona y tu energía, a través de un poderoso proceso de integración de tus sombras, para transmutar la energía negativa hacia una energía que atrae milagros, amor y paz.
Crear consciencia hacia una manera de trabajar mas sostenible.
Alineamiento de cada persona hacia los valores y objetivos de la empresa, para tomar decisiones mas acertadas.
Crear futuros lideres mas coscientes y visionarios
Transformar procesos y sistemas internos de la empresa y de cada persona, para mayor productividad y eficacidad.
Crear un ambiente de bienestar, creativo y de compromiso, que ayuda al crecimiento de la empresa.
Mayor retención del talento en la empresa.
Crear un ecosistema que funciona de manera orgánica, responsable, autónoma y con capacidad de expansión.
Parar de dudar de si mismo y de las decisiones y tener mayor certeza sobre el camino a seguir.
Cuando desarrollamos mayor aceptación y confianza en nosotros mismos, logramos reducir el estrés y los niveles
de ansiedad.
Establecer mejores relaciones con otros pero sobretodo con uno mismo, resultara en una vida de mas satisfacción y una comunicación mas efectiva.
Nuestra intuición nos esta guiando todo el tiempo hacia el camino del éxito y hacia oportunidades que nunca hubiéramos creído posibles!
Todos somos creativos y cuando la sabemos usar, esta nos ayuda a resolver problemas y a crear nuevas oportunidades, tanto en el trabajo como en la vida.
Cuando vivimos nuestras misiones de vida, estamos contribuyendo al bienestar y al éxito del planeta y de cada individuo.
Conceptos y conversaciones transformadoras para ayudar a crecer la consciencia colectiva y desarrollar un mejor entendimiento y amor sobre como ser un humano y un ser espiritual mas libre y empoderado.
Invitados especiales ocasionalmente.
Disponible en:
De manera creativa y desde un enfoque espiritual, me apasiona guiar a las personas a encauzarse en su "Flow de Vida", desarrollando su intuición como brújula.
Mi misión es elevar la conciencia humana, capacitando a las personas para que aprovechen su verdadero potencial, tanto intuitivo como humano.
Durante 20 años, trabajé en París y Londres como diseñadora, donde cree mi propia marca de moda sostenible, que lleva mi nombre. Además, he trabajado como diseñadora de joyas, directora creativa para empresas y he expuesto mis obras en exposiciones de arte.
Con el tiempo, comenze a desarrollar otra de mis grandes pasiones: la psicología. Esta nueva dirección me llevó a estudiar coaching, donde descubrí mi conexión con mi intuición, un aspecto fundamental de mi misión de vivir en el Flow de Vida!
La Intuición es un sistema con el que nacemos y que nos ayuda a tener una vida de plenitud, y cuando la practicamos con paciencia y determinación, la intuición se convierte en nuestro SUPERPODER.
Primero tenemos que aprender que es, que no es, y como nos habla!
Cuando nos conectamos con nuestra intuición, esta nos conecta con nuestro Flow de Vida que es el camino de nuestra alma y es ahí cuando empezamos a vivir una vida magica llena de milagros!
Todos tenemos una vida mágica a la espera. . .es nuetro regalo de nacimiento,
y tu intuición es la llave para activarla!
1-a-1 coaching
$480.000 pesos Colombianos
6 sesiones
1-a-1 coaching
$1'222.000 pesos Colombianos
Coaching 1-a-1
Para Equipos y Directivos
Proceso interno para un trabajo mas sostenible, productivo, eficaz y hacia el crecimiento de la empresa.
$ Variable segun tamaño de la empresa y proceso a seguir.
“Plenitud personal y alineamiento con
El Flow de Vida sucede cuando buscamos la
ARMONÍA entre y dentro de los 4 niveles
de nuestra experiencia humana;
El Mental, el Emocional, el Físico
Y el Espiritual!"
Disclaimer: The physical level I work with, is only to regain awareness and connection to your body.
Helena is a very powerful life coach and NLP practitioner. When I was coached by her, I felt completely held and supported by her energy. She has a presence that cannot be taught in any coaching course.
The way that she coached me forced me just far enough out of my comfort zones to have the powerful insights I needed to create change in my life. Being in her presence also activated my own creativity and I found that ideas and inspiration flowed while I was working with her.
Helena is open and asks provocative questions that result in whole new perspectives as well. There are some areas of my life that I will never look at the same way due to her influence and I am very grateful for that!
I would not hesitate to recommend Helena to anyone who wants to experience flow and use their creativity.
“I have been coached by Helena in group settings. Helena provided so much compassion, warmth, and
a safe space to catch my breath in the heat of the moment of being challenged by other coaches
to look into my blindspots what
was quite intense.
Helena is so real and at the same time listens to the feelings of her clients and keeps an eye on your sensations and well-being.
Empathy, care, creativity
and a warm unconditional acceptance is what I have gotten from Helena ever since the first time we met. Next to having coached me, I have worked with Helena many times on Workshops and at the hub of MindFreeks and it is just delightful, smooth, and with absolute ease and positivity to work with Helena.
I began working with Helena during one of the most challenging episodes I had ever experienced at work. We initially focused on identifying strategies to improve work and the work environment. Over time, this shifted to looking at other areas of my life. Helena is an excellent listener, linking patterns in different issues we discussed. She offers a balance of both practical guidance with endless support and encouragement.
Working with Helena has helped me to make connections to patterns and preferences, and to understand the reasons behind some of them. Through this process, she has enabled me to move from believing some aspects of myself are simply part of who I am, to understanding that they were part of certain aspects of history. That realisation has meant I am able to move towards making positive changes.
In my experience working with Helena I have found her to be not only an excellent coach, but also someone who seeks to constantly improve herself and her skills, which would ultimately benefit her clients. I feel very fortunate to have encountered her.
“Working with Helena helped me gain a lot of clarity on my path.
We have been working for few months now but I am able to recognize repetitive patterns and address them. My goal with her is to become independent mentally and physically and was able to identify the barriers that kept me captive. She is very patient, real and caring.
I would love to carry her in my purse wherever I go but that would be against my goal of independence"
Sally H.
Actress / USA
I had the chance to find Helena in April, during my lockdown in Barcelona.
I was going through uncertain times (like most of the people) but my mess was already in my head
some months ago.
At that moment, I had a full time job and my life was very oriented to a lifestyle that apparently was good and in the end it made me feel unhappy.
I had very clear what I didn't want to be but I was very disoriented with regards to what I wanted to be. Helena gave me some tools to identify my values and I realised that most of the things in my daily life didn't match my values. Little by little I understood that the onlyway was leaving my negative thinkingand fears behind and making a change.
In terms of methodology, I would highlight that Helena has a great ability with creativepeople as she perceived from the start that I was a creative person andshe helped me to develop my creativity to solve problems andcrossroads that showed up throughout these months.
Needless to say that she also helped me out to pursue a creative career as it's something very important
in my work life.
5 months later, I am venturing out
to be a freelancer and I already have
2 projects on going. I am very happy with the decision and I honestly believe that Helena was a positive influence
for me in taking this decision. She never told me what I should do but she helped me to find the answers inside of me. I highly recommend to count on her whenever you feel
confused and disoriented."
Alba A.
Entrepenerur / Spain
…is a NEW short bi-monthly bulletin sharing insights that are
Creative / Inspirational / Spiritual / Empowering / Controversial / Life Changing
I believe in not polluting people's mailboxes with too many
or overly extensive messages!
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